
Cinema 4D Release25 boasts an intuitive 3D application interface, enhanced with a modernized appearance, UI improvements, and an expanded preset system to streamline workflows. The new spline import options enable users to easily incorporate Illustrator, PDF, and SVG vector graphics into their 3D scenes. This update introduces a powerful and flexible node system in Cinema4D, allowing anyone to harness the capabilities of the scene node system directly through the traditional object manager. The new spline and data integration features facilitate the creation of robust asset capsules.

New features include:

  • Fast animation trajectory editing with various modes for adding effects like elasticity, contrast, noise, and smoothing.
  • An enhanced user interface with updated icons and a dynamic color palette for a more focused and efficient workflow.
  • Capsules built on the scene node core, offering functionality similar to program plugins and enhancing classic C4D scenes.
  • Vector graphic import support for Adobe Illustrator, PDF, and SVG files, providing advanced features like gradient fills and symbols.
  • A robust asset manager for easy Access to a library of 3D objects, materials, and nodes, with on-demand asset downloading and caching for quick reuse.
  • A scene manager with a node-based approach for a more intuitive workflow, allowing the creation of program geometry or entire scenes within a hierarchical view.
