Cinema 4D users can now enjoy rendering in CPU or hybrid mode with Redshift, leveraging both CPU and GPU power without the need for a separate Redshift subscription. The workflow has been completely reworked to make Redshift feel more like an integral part of Cinema 4D, featuring a new dynamic color palette system that only displays Redshift-compatible tools when the renderer is active. The Cinema 4D viewport now supports Redshift materials, enhancing the visual quality of interactive previews. Users can also import or export FBX or USD format basic Redshift material properties and textures.
The user interface of the most intuitive 3D application has been enhanced with a modern skin, improved UI, and an expanded preset system to optimize your workflow. Capsules leverage the power and flexibility of Cinema 4D's scene node system, offering plugin-like functionality directly in the classic object manager. Data import and spline functions through scene nodes and scene managers provide a unique and useful set of tools and capsules.
With Cinema 4D R25, the interface has become even more intuitive, offering updated schemas and icon sets that give the classic Cinema 4D look a fresh modern twist. The dynamic color palette supports new layouts, making full use of space and ensuring that the tools you need are always at hand. Tabbed documents and layouts can easily flow between multiple Projects and workflows.
Capsules are built on the core of Cinema 4D's scene node system, providing functionality similar to that of plugin programs. These capsules can now be used as primitives, generators, or geometry modifiers directly in the classic Cinema 4D object manager, or use the Capsule Constructor to enhance your classic C4D scene with your own node-based creations.
Vector illustrations can be imported from Adobe Illustrator, PDF, and SVG files into your 3D scene. The universal PDF format allows splines from Adobe Illustrator files to be imported and saved with PDF compatibility, supporting advanced features like symbols and gradient-filled shapes. You can also import vector graphics stored in SVG format.
The Asset Browser provides easy Access to locally or online stored preset content libraries, including a vast array of 3D objects, materials, and node capsules avAIlable to Cinema 4D subscribers. Assets can be browsed or searched, each with rich metadata and keyWords. Assets are downloaded on demand, so there's no need to download large asset libraries in advance. They are also cached on your local computer, so your favorite assets can be reused immediately.
Experience firsthand how things are made with the new core of Cinema 4D. The Cinema 4D scene manager builds program geometry or entire scenes in a hierarchical view using powerful, node-based assets. The scene manager will Ultimately provide a fast and creative workflow, integrating classic C4D objects into the scene manager by simply dragging them in. Everything you do in the scene manager creates a corresponding node graph in the scene nodes, allowing you to choose any workflow or working need you prefer.
With the Tracking Modifier Tag, you can modify animation tracks on objects or tags in an ultra-fast way. It includes modes that are very time-consuming to achieve through traditional track and key editing methods. The Spring mode is a convenient way to add elastic辅助 animation to tracks, while the Poster mode allows you to convert fluid animations to stop-motion. The Noise mode allows you to easily add randomness to animations, with multiple parameters allowing you to define the intensity of the effect. On the other hand, the Smooth mode allows you to remove jitters and rotations from animations, which is a perfect method for cleaning up motion capture data. Combine modes to create highly complex animations that look more realistic with zero effort.

Discover the new features and improvements in Cinema 4D R26.107, including a new node user interface, improved LOD effects, and the integration of Magic Bullet Looks 16.1 for cinematic visual effects.