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Mari 4.7 emerges as a groundbreaking 3D texture mapping tool announced by a leading casting company. This new version of Mari offers unparalleled freedom and flexibility, coupled with robust functionality and performance to handle intricate 3D assets. It stands as a user-friendly 3D drawing tool for artists to fully harness their creativity, resulting in truly stunning effects and details. The software optimally utilizes the advantages of triple planar projection to quickly set up scenes, significantly boosting artists' efficiency.
Among the much-anticipated features is the mirror Projection functionality, which enhances the accuracy and creative control in symmetrical painting workflows. This release is a testament to The Foundry's commitment to advancing artistic tools.
Key highlights of The Foundry Mari 4.7 include:
- Artist-friendly painting tools that let you focus on creativity rather than technology.
- Seamless 3D pAInting with intuitive brush kits and projection painting.
- Handling complex assets with multiple UV maps and support for up to 32K textures.
- Physically correct interactive preview with shadow, environmental lighting, and speculation highlights.
- Powerful baking engine integration for internal texture baking and automatic application of baked texture grids.
- Open standards support for seamless integration into various pipelines.
Additional features of Mari 4.7 enhance workflow efficiency with automatic execution of previously manual steps, an improved export manager, a new toolbar for managing palettes, and maximized panel views. The software now includes a new color palette for texture set browsing and improved layer group handling. It also introduces a new Principled BRDF shader for previewing channels against final targets, along with core updates and preference UI modifications for better stability across versions.