
Fuzor 2021: A Comprehensive 3D Construction Simulation Software

Fuzor 2021 is an innovative 3D animation and construction simulation software that combines BIMVR and 4D construction simulation technologies. It provides a perfect and professional development and design environment for a wide range of users including design firms, construction companies, and developers. Even without animation experience, users can create stunning 3D animations with this tool, commonly used for 3D architectural designs. Fuzor 2021 boasts robust features and exceptional stability, enhancing work efficiency and reducing error rates. The software offers all construction auxiliary design tools for free, supporting authorization codes and encryption locks. Below, you will find a detailed installation and cracking tutorial, along with a blockchain patch. Its one-click automatic design feature makes it one of the most popular 3D design tools among engineers. Those interested are welcome to download and try it out.

Fuzor 2021【3D制作辅助软件】中文官方版下载

Key Features of Fuzor 2021

  • Collision Detection: Triggers vibration in VR controllers upon collision with 3D models.
  • One-click Filter Update: Rapidly update filters for 4D construction tasks.
  • Multi-Activity Timeline: Efficiently view and manage worker and machinery schedules.
  • Simultaneous Task Animation Editing: Edit animations for multiple construction tasks concurrently.
  • Real-time Progress Display: Visualize construction progress percentages.
  • Layered Construction Zone DiVision: Adjust height ranges for zone segmentation.
  • Center Axis Position Saving: Record center axis positions for sequential animations.
  • Multi-track Animation: Edit the same component multiple times.
  • Editable Animation Series: Create a personalized animation resource library.
  • Enhanced Rendering Effects: Improved material rendering, especially for water and glass.
  • SKETCHUP and FBX Model Tree Support: Streamline component selection.
  • Multi-lane Creation: Facilitates traffic simulation.
  • Event Trigger and Action Types: Customize events based on specific dates.
  • Particle Effect Capture: Simulate more complex scenes.
  • 3D Marking Support: Make construction animations more manageable.
  • Subtitle Addition: Add text to viewpoint animations for video subtitles.
Fuzor 2021【3D制作辅助软件】中文官方版下载

Highlight Features of Fuzor 2021

  • Undo and Redo History: Enhanced with the improved Ctrl+Z feature.
  • MAIn View Toggle: Switch back to the main perspective at any time.
  • Multiple Component Selection: Group copy and paste for efficiency.
  • Custom PBR Material Library: Automatic updates for materials.
  • Model Trimming: Automatically trim models based on floors or intervals.
  • Quick Selection: Enhanced selection capabilities with the selection tree.
  • Select Set Feature: Add components to different select sets for quick Access.
  • Center Axis Adjustment: Move the center axis position during component adjustments.
  • Auto Display Views: Show 'Plan View' and 'Elevation View' after adjustments.
  • Frame Rate Option: Added to viewpoint animation rendering settings.
  • Open Webpage Action: Added to event trigger action types.
  • Quick Copy Sequential Animation: Simplify animation duplication.
  • Model Loading: Load files (FBX, SKP, IFC) using specific coordinates for effective collaboration.
  • Machinery Working Radius: Displayed to assist in construction machinery layout planning.
  • Driver Addition: Add male and female drivers to machinery for more realistic simulations.