This Service Pack contains recent fixes for Autodesk? 3ds Max 2014 software. It is strongly recommended that you read the readme document before installing the software. For future reference, you should save the readme to your hard drive.
用户必须安装 Autodesk 3ds Max 2014/Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2014,然后才能安装此 Service Pack。
3ds Max Beta 版安装
如果之前安装了 Autodesk 3ds Max 2014/Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2014 的任何 Beta 版软件(包括 候选发布 (RC) 版本),请卸载并删除与这些 Beta 版本相关的所有系统文件夹,然后再安装商业版本。Beta 入口上的 Beta 和 RC 自述文件中发布了有关如何卸载 Beta 版本的说明。
Service Pack 版本
更新的产品 | 更新文件名 |
Autodesk 3ds Max 2014 | 3dsMax2014_SP6.msp |
Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2014 | 3DSMAXDesign2014_SP6.msp |
:1. 下载对应您系统的文件。请参见“Service Pack 版本”。
2. 双击 Service Pack 6 可执行文件。
3. 按照 Service Pack 6 安装程序中的安装提示进行安装。
Windows 7/Windows 8
1. 打开“开始”>“控制面板”>“程序和功能”。
2. 单击“查看已安装的更新”。
3. 选择“Autodesk 3DS MAX 2014 Service Pack 6/Autodesk 3ds Max Design 2014 Service Pack 6”。
4. 单击“卸载”。
注意:如果您当前使用的是学生版或教育许可版的 Autodesk 3ds Max,则自动允许 3ds Max 收集您的桌面分析数据。系统将在您首次启动 3ds Max 时通过对话框通知您此信息。要禁用数据收集,请选择“帮助”>“桌面分析”,然后在对话框中禁用相应复选框。
Autodesk 3ds Max/3ds Max Design 2014 SP6 中的修复
注意:Autodesk 3ds Max 2014 Service Pack 6 是累积性的,其中包含在先前所有 Service Pack 中发现的所有修复。
键 | 概要 | 构件 |
MAXX-24683 | Biped file error on reload if you delete out Biped and save | Animation |
MAXX-22848 | Poor performance selecting keys trackbar | Animation |
MAXX-22380 | Poor performance shift cloning keys on curve | |
MAXX-22058 | Motion mixer mixdown & copy to biped broken | Animation |
MAXX-20741 | An empty layer cannot be deleted after Particle Flow source was moved to another layer | Animation |
MAXX-18370 | Biped figure mode corruption | Animation |
MAXX-18294 | Biped Figure Mode gets corrupted | Animation |
MAXX-17998 | Skin modifier's Envelope maxscript interface broken | Animation |
MAXX-12985 | Turning Animation Layer off causes error | Animation |
MAXX-11011 | CAT rig arm does not stretch with IK | Animation |
MAXX-32587 | OGS security fix | Components |
MAXX-16636 | ExchangeStore can't load appPackage issue | Components |
MAXX-15244 | Error in module PointCloud, PointCloud::PointCLOud() | Componets |
MAXX-16334 | Scene X-Ref lost on file reload when using Inherited Containers in same scene. | Core |
MAXX-29936 | MotionBuilder FBX skeleton with SphericXYZ Rotation, Import result is incorrect | FileIO |
MAXX-26907 | Alpha channel for vertex paint is lost on FBX export | FileIO |
MAXX-20577 | FBX export of ColorPerFaceVertex is creating incorrect data | FileIO |
MAXX-18761 | FBX Custom attribute animation not importing | FileIO |
maxX-7345 | FLT Export names clipped | FileIO |
MAXX-14316 | DirectX Shader material: DirectX 11 shader transparency sorting issues; no way to denote transparency order | Materials |
MAXX-29644 | Maxscript extended Standard material doesn't support Show Realistic option | Maxscript |
MAXX-25470 | Program error deleting SkinWrap target | Modeling |
MAXX-21029 | Unwrap UVW error while opening the scene | Modeling |
MAXX-25491 | Error in MaxPlus Python notifications with PySide dialog | Python |
MAXX-25469 | Access to Wrapped Object Pointer | Python |
MAXX-24287 | python_integration.ms fAIlure: pure virtual calls on shutdown | Python |
MAXX-23766 | Python error upon executing script with other Python threads running | |
MAXX-22753 | Unable to select region render with locked view on another viewport Layout tab | Rendering |
MAXX-22484 | Displace modifier that gradient ramp was assigned does not work correctly | Rendering |
MAXX-16186 | Backburner renders no longer stop on errors | Rendering |
MAXX-25468 | Customer Error Report: mesh.dll, MaxGraphics::SubMeshBuilder::CreateVertexMapping | Viewport |
MAXX-20418 | Excessive Nitrous viewport texture reloads with Vertex Channel Display Shaded | Viewport |
MAXX-20417 | Nitrous Slow Viewport Texture Reloads with large ViewportTextureSizeLimit / DX11 | Viewport |
MAXX-19636 | Series of images turned off during playback is delayed | Viewport |
MAXX-16999 | IHLSLMaterialTranslator does not work for texture | Viewport |
MAXX-16796 | Nitrous Composite map: extend to support up to 8 layers | Viewport |
MAXX-15968 | Nitrous drawing result is incorrect for UV edited mesh with multi layer composite map | Viewport |
MAXX-16506 | Bitmap Mirror Tiling Not Displayed Correctly in Nitrous Viewports | Viewports |
MAXX-14372 | Absolute mode transform type-in is broken | Viewports |
MAXX-13749 | Cannot select camera & target or spotlight & target simultaneously by click | Viewports |