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Introduction to Corona 8 Hotfix1 for 3ds Max

Chaos Czech has announced the release of Corona Renderer 8, compatible with 3ds Max. This marks the first simultaneous release of versions for both 3DS MAX and Cinema 4D. The official name is now chaos corona, replacing the previous corona render.

Corona 8 is a CPU renderer based on hyper-realistic photo effects, offering high-performance unbiased photo-realistic rendering. It is particularly significant in terms of performance for interior effects. Unlike Vray, Corona focuses on allowing designers to concentrate solely on the performance of the effects when creating renderings.

New Features in Corona 8 Hotfix1 for 3ds max

Explore the latest updates and features in this hotfix, enhancing the rendering capabilities within 3ds Max.

Chaos Corona 8 Hotfix1 for 3ds Max Enhanced Features

With this update, Chaos has introduced scattering for trees, grass, shrubs, and rocks, allowing for controlled placement on steep slopes and the carving of roads with splines. This feature also facilitates the randomization or repetition of objects such as trees, rocks, grass, flowers, and cars in parking lots.

Chaos Corona 8 Hotfix1 for 3ds Max Scatter Feature

The Corona Cosmos Browser provides instant Access to a vast library of assets, materials, and HDRI skies directly from your 3D host application, transforming the process from empty to full with just a few clicks.

Chaos Corona 8 Hotfix1 for 3ds Max Cosmos Browser

Other features include Corona Stickers for adding surface detAIls like scratches, dents, cracks, stains, and splatters, Corona Slice for cutting through geometry during rendering, and Cryptomatte for easy isolation and adjustment of render components in post-production.

Chaos Corona 8 Hotfix1 for 3ds Max Slice Feature

Additionally, the update offers Customizable Tone Mapping, adjustable PBR reflection tails, and options for caustics inclusion/exclusion, enhancing the overall rendering experience and providing more control over the final appearance.

Chaos Corona 8 Hotfix1 for 3ds Max Tone Mapping